American Made Stuffed Animals


Distinctively Handcrafted stuffed animals

Stuffed animals are handcrafted by Kathy in America.  She has been crafting and designing animals for movies, TV, and retail stores, due to the life like resemblance to the real counter part.  Relying on more than 40 years of expertise and experience of hand crafting with American made materials without using modern technology.  Bring home your life like companion today! 

Seasonal Collection for the holidays

Check here for new and exciting kreations by Kathy for the holiday season.

Sourced from American Made Materials.
Beautifully Handcrafted.

 Kathy started as an artist doing paintings, ceramics, and jewelry.  But after her son was born Kathy started making stuffed animals for him. That led to the craft show and wholesale to stores. A hobby turned out to be a manufacturing company that competed with large national stuffed animal companies. Even then Kathy always pushed for realism in the animals that she designed, always researching each animal that was designed. Kathy’s animals have been in TV shows, and in the movies, even in plays on Broadway

New Arrivals

Check out the latest new additions to our collection.

Distinctively Realistic

“I only hope that my realistic wildlife will encourage man to live in harmony with nature and preserve the animal kingdom for future generations.”

Animals Sold

New Designs

Smiling Faces

Visit Us

Camp Verde, AZ by Appiontment only    Monday thru Friday 8am -5pm.

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(602) 547-8760

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